One week ago in Prague, my duo Knep played, as announced, its very last balfolk gig. The festival (Prague Balfolk Immersion) was a blast, the organizing team was incredibly friendly, the other bands were just an amazing selection of super talented and interesting people, and the audience was so loving and enthusiastic I got some tears on stage. An enormous thank you to all the people who have supported Knep during all its life, it has been a crazy and very demanding project but no regrets, everything was worth it, thank you to all the organizers who have booked us across Europe, thank you to the crazy audiences, thank you to all the friends helping us : Kris & Tim & Jolanda of Knupia of course, my family, Elke, roadie-Robin, Lucas, Lucas, Helena, Elena, Ansgar, Lars, Mikulas, Delphine, Beat, all the beloved Dutchies, the friendly Germans, the cute Swiss, the amazing Czech, the beautiful Swedes, the great Belgians, and all the ones I can't name but hold dear in my heart. And last but not least thank you Pascal for having been my partner-in-crime with this crazy, silly, half-swedish octopus-themed project, thanks for your music, your energy, your ideas and all we shared. Knep has been the start of my musical life and I will never forget it ! And now... what ? Well, I'm currently putting a lot of energy into my new project Svall, with its two "branches" Svall Harps and Svall Duo. My project Skoga Obscura is currently on a break, I will talk more about that soon.
I am also teaching quite a lot, to very enthusiastic students on fiddle and nyckelharpa, it's a bliss to have them. Teaching also includes in a way the monthly scandi jam sessions I organize in Switzerland, and this will go on until I move out. I am also going on with the Scandi Folk Nerd videos and I have the 2019 resolution of putting more energy into my Patreon page, to really make it develop and thrive and be super interesting for the scandinavian music nerds out there. I am also processing lots of ideas about my solo playing, mostly for balfolks but also concerts, I hope to be able to get some stuff started soon and thus have something substantial to tell you ! But we'll see, nothing is certain on this point and I have a lot going on in my non-musical life aswell at the moment. Stay tuned, including the resonance strings ! Comments are closed.
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