So well, I knew this could happen, but still : getting my entire little tour cancelled day after day while I was already in the country was quite hard. However, thanks to the crazy organizer and the way-too-warm-weather, we were able to hold the fiddle workshop anyways - outdoors mostly and with lots of precautions, but we did have it ! And it was such a bliss to teach a workshop again, I was so motivated I gave lots of documentation to my students and they seemed to enjoy my nerdy enthusiasm ! Outside of that I was also able to meet my Svall Duo colleague Sylvain and we had a short but amazing rehearsing time ! We really got forwards with our arrangements, we took many tunes to a whole new level, exploring modes and variations. A few exciting things on the making on that side, stay tuned ! Else well... it was just about meeting a few dear friends and family members, hiking in the Alps, and eating lots of cheese. Not that musical for a tour, but still nice feeling of going forward with my music, especially with Svall Duo and I'm also full of ideas for my solo things, I just hope I'll find the time soon ! Stay safe and musical, and continue to support your favourite artists, because we're all struggling !
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